The colour green is often associated with the healthiest foods, but why is this? Is it because green is often associated with fresh, natural, plant based ingredients? Although green fruits and vegetables are important, we actually need all the colours we can get.
Emily English, a leading nutritionist, encourages us to eat a rainbow of food. Emily tells the W-Edit, “when I say a rainbow of food, I mean filling our plate with an array of colourful ingredients, this is the easiest way to make sure you are getting a range of nutrients. Always try to include something green in your meal, as green vegetables are often packed with essential vitamins and antioxidants. Think of it like this … different colours will provide different benefits, and we are searching for diversity”.
For the immune system: Citrus fruits and red bell peppers
“Citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruit, are high in vitamin C. Vitamin C supports various cellular functions, we also need vitamin C to protect our cells and keep them healthy. Red bell peppers are a really good source of vitamin C and vitamin A, and actually contain more vitamin C than an orange would. Red bell peppers are really easy to incorporate into most meals,” says Emily.
For the gut: High fibre fruits and vegetables
The gut is the starting point for a happy, healthy body, so it is vital that we nurture it. Emily explains, “any vegetables which are high in both antioxidants and fibre are beneficial for the gut, such as spinach and kale. Not only does spinach and kale promote the growth of healthy gut bacteria, they are high in vitamin C, vitamin K, and vitamin A”.
For the heart: Berries
We know that the food we eat can have a huge impact on our heart health, and can affect inflammation and blood pressure. Emily says, “berries are filled with essential nutrients and antioxidants which can support heart health. Some research has found that blueberries may improve vascular function, helping to control blood clotting and blood pressure. I love to add blueberries onto a greek yoghurt (another ingredient that provides gut healthy bacteria), as well as to my porridge.”
For the brain: Walnuts
Emily says, “there is research that the consumption of walnuts can improve cognitive function and improve memory. Walnuts are also high in omega-3s, which is important for brain function and development, whilst also having antioxidant effects”.
Emily recommends:
“This is such a good way to make sure your body is getting essential nutrients and vitamins, alongside a healthy and balanced diet.”