W-Wellness Nutrition Consultation Consultation

Optimise your wellness

Free supplement check-up!

How to get started

  1. Book your supplement review

    Choose a time that suits and one of our nutritionist team will help you choose the right products for you.

  2. Meet your expert nutritionist online

    Book your online supplement review at a time that suits you. Via video call, discuss what you are currently taking and what health goals you have with your practitioner for personalised guidance.

  3. Bespoke supplemement plan: straight to your inbox

    Your nutritionist will email you personalised recommendations based on your conversation. You'll receive tailored supplement suggestions, dosage instructions, potential benefits, and purchase links - all to support your wellness journey.

  4. Enjoy doorstop delivery

    We'll deliver your custom selected supplements right to your doorstep., and for convenience you can enjoy regular deliveries keeping your essentials stocked without effort. Say goodbye to last-minute shopping trips and unexpected shortages. Enjoy peace of mind knowing your favourites are always on hand

Book your FREE checkup


Ensure you are taking the right supplements for you. Book a FREE 10-minute call with one of our nutritionists here.